Air filtration-Implication and controls

The current focus on employee safety in industrial and commercial organizations emphasizes the need for sufficient air quality measurement and correction systems in all organizations. This is stressed not only on an international level, but local governments are taking key initiatives to maintain the health and safety of all employees.

Air cleaners and HVAC filters have become a vital part of our lives. With increasing pollution and places with crowds inside closed premises, it becomes imperative to have air circulation with a well-designed filtration to reduce the impact of airborne diseases.

Air pollution is a bigger issue in the manufacturing industry. There are several fumes, chemicals, vapors, and various other contaminants that are produced in manufacturing petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and virtually all industries where heavy machines are working.

Air cleaners and HVAC filters are designed to filter pollutants or contaminants from the air that passes through them. Air cleaning and filtration can help reduce airborne contaminants, including allergens, smoke, and particles containing viruses.

More advanced and efficient air filtration is needed for specific applications including hospitals, microchips, computers, food processing, and semiconductor industries.

Indoor air quality is increasingly being recognized as a persuasive concern, with impending effects on the health, comfort, and productivity of people in malls, offices as well as homes. Increasing awareness amongst the masses after COVID-19 has led to even more stress on the need for air filtration at workplaces.

The pollutants can be broadly categorized into three groups;

  • Particulate
  • Chemical
  • Biological

Every location has to be critically analyzed for pollution levels and the type of contaminants before designing an effective filtration system.

  • HEPA: Media used for filtration can be of a variety of types based on design parameters and its intended application. These can be Acrylic, Aluminum screens, Fiberglass, Paper, Polyurethane foam, and Poly/cotton.
  • Activated Carbon
  • Ultraviolet

International standards for manufacturing include

  • BS EN 1822
  • BS EN ISO 16890-1
  • ISO 14644